Cycling Strength Level 2
Pre-ride Exercises
Designed to 'release' tight / tender areas in muscles, mobilise joints, highlight joint restrictions & dynamically 'warm-up' muscles & their neuromuscular pathways
Ball Hamstring Floss
5-10 reps per segment
Start just below the insertion of the hamstring for 5-10 reps, then move to the belly (halfway between knee/hip) and repeat then lastly just above the knee pit (4 fingers up from the pit of the knee) and repeat
Hip cars with yoga block hurdle
3 reps per leg 5:5 tempo
Post with a strong outside arm, keep the trunk still and minimise any compensatory movements.
Lift heel over yoga block (or the like) without moving trunk laterally
Single Leg Split
10 reps per leg @3:3 tempo
Hand stacked under shoulders with one leg out to the side
Ensure the leg is straight and the toe is turned towards you to reduce any possible knee pain
Keeping core engaged sit hips back breathing out until you get a comfortable stretch, then rock forward breathing in
Activation Exercises
Designed to run those normally subconscious neuromuscular pathways with some conscious over-riding, in order to normalise / refresh / restore correct movement patterning
Knee Lock Hip Extension
8 x 5 sec isometric holds per leg, 2-3 sets
Drive from the the loaded heel keeping pelvis level and core engaged throughout
Avoid flaring of the rib cage
Cyclist's Touch
10 per leg, 2-3 sets +/- standing on foam dome
Ensure pelvis is slightly higher on non weight-bearing side throughout exercise
Bend at hip AND knee, not just at hip
Engage glutes (palpate with hand)
Dynamic Clams
10 each side, 2-3 sets
Feet stay together
Bottom knee stays on ground whilst top knee moves up
Keep pelvis pointing forward
Cycling Strength Exercises
Designed to increase power output and build muscular robustness to help reduce injury.
Banded Hack Squat
15 reps @3/0/1 tempo (add weight if required), 3-4 sets
Keep feet pointing straight at a width of 18-20 CM
Band goes just above the knee, apply mild resistance to keep knees from drawing inwards
Avoid flaring the knee open, keep vertical shin angle
Poloquin Split Squat
10 reps @4/1/1 tempo (DB/BB weigh if required), 3-4 sets
Feet hip width apart, take large stride placing lead foot on a block or small step
Keeping spine vertical, transfer load diagonally down progressing knee over toe
Big Band Crab Walk
10 left 10 right @1/1/1 tempo, 3-4 sets
Core engaged and upright body position
Feet start at hip width apart, move lead leg 2 inches then follow with the other leg
Maintain band pressure
Small Band Crab Walk
10 left 10 right @1/1/1, 3-4 sets
Band can either go just above or below the knee
Shin angle needs to remain vertical leading with the knee and foot together
Star Side Bridge (Advanced)
15 -30 sec (target range then progress to full star bridge), 3-4 sets
Create a straight line from you head to your heel of your top leg
Draw ribs in, engage core and glutes
Lift hips pushing from elbow and bottom foot, establish correct position then elevate top leg and hold
Copenhagen (Beginner)
6-12 reps @1/2/2 tempo, 3-4 sets
Bend top knee at 90 degrees then place on top of the bench
The bottom leg should be straight and aligned with top leg
Create a straight line from you head to your knee of your top leg
Draw ribs in, engage core and glutes
Lift hips pushing from elbow and bottom foot, establish correct position then draw bottom leg to the bench, hold then return
Copenhagen Isometric (Intermediate)
10-30 sec, 3-4 sets
Bend top knee at 90 degrees then place on top of the bench
The bottom leg should be straight and aligned with top leg
Create a straight line from you head to your knee of your top leg
Draw ribs in, engage core and glutes
Lift hips pushing from elbow and bottom foot, establish correct position then draw bottom leg to the bench and hold
Single leg Slider Hamstring Curl (Beginner)
6-10 reps per leg @3/3 tempo, 3-4 sets
Place heels on the slider with toes pointing up, feet hip width apart
Start with knees bent at 90*, lift hips an inch off the floor and hold
Focus on one leg at a time, slowly straighten the leg maintaining consistent pressure through the slider
Pull from the heel and focus on contracting the hamstring as you return to start position
Alternate legs keeping pelvis level throughout
Hollow Body Plank (Modified)
15-60 sec (target range), 3-4 sets
Elbows at shoulder width with forearms parallel
Knees at hip width, squeeze glutes and draw ribs away from the floor compressing the ab’s
Pull knees and elbows together

Bent Over Rows
10 each arm, 3-4 sets
Pull weight into armpit
Shoulder blades should pull down and together
V-sit Compression
10-45 sec (target range), 2-3 sets
Sitting up with knees bent at 90 degrees and spine straight, place a rolled towel or yoga block between the knees and squeeze
Engage core then lift feet compressing through the hips
Mountain Climber
6-10 Reps per leg @1/2/2 tempo, 2-3 sets
Hands stacked under the shoulders
Head, spine and hips parallel to the floor with feet hip width apart
Draw the knee to the elbow, compress through the core and hold for 2 sec
Slider Dynamic Mountain Climber
Reps or for time 2/2 tempo, 3-4 sets (try starting with 20-30 each side)
Hands stacked under the shoulders
Head, spine and hips parallel to the floor with feet hip width apart
Feet placed on sliders, engage core and extend one leg at at time.
Maintain consistent pressure through the sliders
Nordic Curls Band Assisted (Beginner)
3-10 reps @4/0/1 tempo, 3-4 sets
Either use a partner to hold ankles firmly or a squat cage and bar to anchor heels
Place band under the armpits
Keeping thigh angle vertical hinge from the hips while maintaining a straight spine throughout
Range is reached when either the spine begins to flex or nose touches the floor
Designed to restore muscle sarcomere lengths post exercise & gain extra range especially when muscles are fatigued.
Hamstring Release
90 sec per leg, 1-2 times
Soft knee joint
Keep hips square the the bench
Maintain a straight spine as you tilt forward to increase the stretch
Passive Calf release
2 mins per leg, 1-2 times
Place foot on an angled yoga block
Long Arm chest release
60 sec each side, 1-2 times
Proud chest and vertical spine
Draw ribs in and lightly squeeze the glutes
Focus on reaching away to create a broad release of the chest

Supine Glute release
45-60 sec, 2-3 times
Open knee to create 90 degrees position, then draw across the line of the body until the tissue of the lateral part of the glute is targeted